Configure Labels

Monday, January 27, 2014

Some Days Are MUCH BETTER Than Others

It isn’t every day that everything seems to go exactly right.

But when it does….there is nothing better.

I was sound asleep this morning when the phone rang.  The lady identified herself and asked me if I was still job hunting.  Even from my dead sleep that registered somewhere in my brain.  I told her yes.  My chicken scratch regarding the name of the company and the address left a lot to be desired I discovered when I finally did wake up.

I walked in completely blind to the interview.  For the life of me I could not remember what exactly this company did.  I wasn’t sure how I was going to bring that question up.  She started me with some basic data entry work and then some 10-key.  I realized just how long it has been since I was truly accurate with a 10-key.  Test one was at 96%, test 2 was at 98% and the third was 99.8%.  I was glad to see that at least I hadn’t forgotten all of it!!

The interview was probably one of the most relaxed I have ever sat through.  I don’t ever remember any that seemed that quick and personable.   I did tell her that I had applications in Washington and Oregon because I wanted to be closer to my children.  I just have a hard time not being up front with that fact.  She told me the job was going to last 4-8 weeks at this point, possibly longer.  She also mentioned they are pulling in so many jobs that moving from one contract to another is also something that might happen.  She also said that her only problem she sees frequently that are a severe problem is that people hire on, go through orientation and training and THEN tell her they had vacationed planned and need a week off.  All I could do was laugh and tell her the only reason I could see missing a day is for a doctor’s appointment and at this time I didn’t have any in the near future.  She took the names and phone numbers of a couple of people and told me if they were good on references I would hear from her later in the day or tomorrow morning.

I left the interview and I called everyone who I had given her name to just to let them know to expect the call.  I drove out to my aunt’s house-I had not been there more than half an hour and she called and told me she would like to bring me on board.  She laughed and asked me if I had been expecting her to call today.  I could only answer no.

So tomorrow at noon I go sign the paperwork for a background check.  Not too worried about any felonies or even misdemeanors showing up.  I lead a very dull life.

And this is what I found when I opened my mail today:

I don't know how many people I have told, but while I was in college it was discovered I have a serious leaning disability when it comes to numbers.  No matter how hard I tried, no matter how many times I took the remedial classes I usually only made it to mid-terms before I was so lost I couldn't move forward.

When it was realized I was able to petition for an exception to graduation policies.  I had enough classes for an associates in Psychology (except the last class, it was a math course) and I had enough classes for my bachelor's in Political Science (but I needed the math classes).

My advisor, Dr. Donna Lybecker, (Political Science) was able to help me to petition the exception.  It was agreed that I would graduate with the associates degree for now.  I have the opportunity to return at some point and work for the bachelor's under the 2014+ standards.  They have changed enough in the opportunities for remedial course work I could easily complete what I need.

I will probably wait a long while.  Moving to where my children are and returning to a federal job, something challenging is higher on my priority list at the moment.

I figure it took me more than 20 years to get this far, I can wait a year or two to finish the rest.

All in all, a pretty good day.

I hope to see a few more like it in the future.


GEM's Girl