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Monday, July 7, 2014

Open Book

Dear Reader,
    When I started this blog in December 2013, my intention was to use it as a  " journal" of sorts.Writing is an exercise of the brain and often we forget to use it for anything other than the mundane parts of life.

     My intentions were an invitation for people to see things they might not ever understand. Living life like an open book to discuss and educate as many people as possible.

     Mental illness is a disease, just like diabetes, cancer, or any other affliction the body might face. Mental illness is actually quite a bit more common that people know. 

     The media (News and Television) have portrayed mental illness equals criminal activity.  After working in the Law Enforcement Area for most of my adult life, I can tell you there aren't as many criminals with mental issues as you may have been led to believe.  Don't believe everything you see on tv, read on the internet, or when watching the news.  Remember there are two sides to every story which makes the ability to manipulate to a perspective of their choice, not necessarily the truth.

    I hope that by reading my journal entries you see the internal struggles a person with PTSD and Bi-Polar faces.  Please be open minded enough to recognize many millions of people suffer from these silent illnesses.  The reality is, the guy next to you on the train to work may be trying to figure out if his life should last another 10 minutes.

    The secondary portion of this blog was to educate people about some of the crisis events that are occurring with the Veterans of Ft. McClellan, Alabama.  This is where I did my basic training and MP school.  Only now is it coming to light the chemicals we were exposed to.  The men and women who served from 1935 until the base closure in the 1990's were exposed and there are many horror stories that can be traced back to this military base.

    I ask you to please take some time and review the information I have posted (and will continue to post) in regards to what is happening.  One of the soldiers whom I served in Germany with is working to create a documentary covering what happened to many soldiers after leaving Ft. McClellan.  Please, help us accomplish that goal by donating a few dollar.  The public needs to know what has happened.  That Monsanto didn't just hurt the civilians of Anniston, Alabama (who received a few million in compensation) but that (according to the EPA reports) the rural areas, Ft. McClellan, was unaffected.

  I also ask you tell others of this situation.  Support us in forcing the governments hands to acknowledge their actions in the dramatic problem.

  Please feel free to leave any comments you may have.


   GEM's Girl